Wednesday, 15 October 2014

A vacant mind is a dumping ground for satan

Proverbs 4:23 
 ''Guard your heart more than anything else,
because the source of your life flows from it''

How can we guard our hearts?
Satan use our minds to fill our hearts, because
that's where the source of life flows from.

The word of God teach us in Colossians 3:2 that
we must keep our minds on things above and not
on wordly things.  According to 2Cor 10 : 3-6 the weapons
we use in our fight are powerful weapons from God with
which we destroy peoples defenses,  that is, their arguments
and all their intellectual arrogance that appose the
knowledge of God.  We can take every thought captive
so that it is obedient to Christ. 

Don't let satan get hold of your mind.  Our thoughts can
make us sick,  we become our thoughts.  Out thoughts 
become our words.   Proverbs 18 : 21
''The tongue has the power of life and death, and those
who love to talk will have to eat their words.''

Guard your heart today more than anything,
because the source of your life flows from it. 
In other words, guard your mind.  Speak the Word 
of God.  If satan reminds you of your past, remind
him of his future.  If he reminds you how big your 
circumstances are,  remind him how BIG YOUR GOD IS.

Don't give satan the opportunity to use your mind as 
a dumping ground....

May God bless and keep you today

My bones will keep on singing

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